Industrial photography for SIEMENS ENERGY

I did a recent corporate + industrial reportage shoot for SIEMENS ENERGY. The site was the Moneypoint power station on the County Clare coastline in Ireland.  Moneypoint has recently installed the world’s largest synchronous condenser - not sure what that is and want to know? -  then please look here:  It turns out it’s not very photographic, especially with scaffolding surrounding it. The writer, drone pilot and I photographed around this new bit of kit including the people that are bringing Moneypoint towards being a renewable energy hub. 

To see further examples of industrial photography please visit this gallery of work:

I’m HEAT (SAFA) course accredited.

I’m hoping to do more photography with NGO’s and charities over the next couple of years around the globe and on advice of a couple people, I enrolled and completed a HEAT course which stands for Hostile Environment Awareness Training.  Tucked away in the Sussex countryside, myself and 19 humanitarian aid workers were subjected to various nightmare scenarios over three days along with some invaluable first aid training. 

A month later I was invited back to do some photography for the course provider, ILS for their various marketing and communication needs.  Here are a few images from that.