Multimedia story on Northern Ireland + Brexit

Multimedia story on Brexit in Northern Ireland, for DER SPIEGEL

My story on Northern Ireland and the consequences of Brexit is published in this weeks DER SPIEGEL. A combination of video, interviews, photos and 360˚ views make up this story on how Brexit may affect Northern Ireland.  Many thanks to Bernhard Riedmann for his editing and guidance! View the whole piece behind the paywall here:

Northern Ireland Commission

Loyalist community building a bonfire in Highfield Estate

12th July parade in Loughgall

Loyal Orange Lodge member taking a break after a march

In mid-July I was in Northern Ireland making a multimedia story (above are some stills) for Der Spiegel about the consequences of Brexit for NI and its divisive communities.  It has all got to be edited and put together - will post once published!