GLORIOUS! featured in FD

Very happy to have my photo book, GLORIOUS! featured in Het Financieele Dagblad in the Netherlands over the weekend.  A nice content page and double page spread feature. A big thank you to Rob Ursem!   GLORIOUS! was a long term project looking at China’s young Nouveau Riche aka the fuerdai. The limited edition book can be purchased from 3030 press. 

Aftenposten Magazine Spread - Zootopia

My on-going long term project depicting the relationship of China’s urban population with the natural world was published over several double page spreads in Norways  monthly Aftenposten Innsikt magazine. Rare to see such a generous spread for a photo feature  - so thank you Tina Skarland! To see the full set of images please visit my exclusive distribution partner for this story at INSTITUTE