The father, Moises Ramos Leon, (48) with his dog, Franco. A family play and relax on what was a vineyard. They lost everything in the eruptions. West Las Manchas. 

La Palma. An island of the Canaries. Two years after the Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption in


A blanket of black stretches across the landscape, punctuated only by fleeting glimpses of white, blue, and green. This is the new reality for a large area on the South West of La Palma, two years after a volcanic eruption wreaked havoc.

In January 2024 I travelled into this transformed landscape to see how the situation is now and met those that have lost their homes or have had to adapt. 

All images copyright of Jonathan Browning

German tourists enjoy breakfast outside in the garden of their guesthouse which sits adjacent to the lava flow. 

La Palma. An island of the Canaries. Two years after the Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption in late 2021.  Photography taken on January 2024.
Canu Martin-Mur,  (67)  from Spain. She had to remove some lava that broke her garden walls and destroyed mature palm trees. She has since replaced tha wall and laid down an artificial lawn and planted new palms and plants to regrow again. 

La Palma. An
La Bombilla. A German couple who have been living on the island for over 20 years sunbathe on the edge of the beach infront of the new lava flow which has overtaken the once long beach and formed a new peninsula.  It is forbidden to walk on the lava field
An abandoned hotel and swimming pool which was partly destroyed by the lava flow and cut off from main roads. 

La Palma. An island of the Canaries. Two years after the Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption in late 2021.  Photography taken on January 2024.
Cementerio de Nuestra Señora in Las Manchas. A large cemetery was destoyed by the lava, here is what remains.  

La Palma. An island of the Canaries. Two years after the Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption in late 2021.  Photography taken on January 2024.
Two local children play football at a pitch below the volcano in Las Manchas. Lino (blonde hair on the left) and Ilay (with white hair band)  both aged 7.  Thier homes were not destroyed but are now separated by the lava with the road destoyed.  This foot
Jonas Ramos Diaz (17) plays with a remote controlled jeep car over the plains of the volcanic ash.  A family play and relax on what was a vineyard. They lost everything in the eruptions. West Las Manchas. 

La Palma. An island of the Canaries. Two years a
Completely destroyed and partially destroyed buildings and homes that got in the way of the lava flows.  A whole town of Todoque sits below many meteres of lava. 

La Palma. An island of the Canaries. Two years after the Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption in
A view of the new mountain that was formed and with the new vent still releasing fumes.  Black lava flow spread out below it upto 3 km wide in places. 

La Palma. An island of the Canaries. Two years after the Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption in late 2021.
New landscapes made in the area of the volcanic eruption, lava flows and ash carpets that followed. 

La Palma. An island of the Canaries. Two years after the Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption in late 2021.  Photography taken on January 2024.
Daniela Ramos Diaz (17 years old) plays with their dog, Franco.  A family play and relax on what was a vineyard. They lost everything in the eruptions. West Las Manchas. 

La Palma. An island of the Canaries. Two years after the Cumbre Vieja volcanic erup
La Bombilla. Technically still in the restricted zone, but two ladies relax on the seafront. In the background you can see where the new lava fields ran down the cliffs and ended in the sea. 

La Palma. An island of the Canaries. Two years after the Cumbr
Emmy Verlaack, a Belgium-Dutch national who lives in a house that sits right next to the lava flow in Los Llanos.  The lava flow went right up the garden walls. 

La Palma. An island of the Canaries. Two years after the Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption in l
An abandoned hotel and swimming pool which was partly destroyed by the lava flow and cut off from main roads. 

La Palma. An island of the Canaries. Two years after the Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption in late 2021.  Photography taken on January 2024.
Interiors of a house that was destoryed by the heat and fires from the lava flows. 

La Palma. An island of the Canaries. Two years after the Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption in late 2021.  Photography taken on January 2024.
Interiors of an abandoned house that was scortched by the heat and fires of the lava.  Like many house where lava flows were not huge they entered though doorways and windows. 

La Palma. An island of the Canaries. Two years after the Cumbre Vieja volcani
Interiors of an abandoned house that was scortched by the heat and fires of the lava.  Like many house where lava flows were not huge they entered though doorways and windows. 

La Palma. An island of the Canaries. Two years after the Cumbre Vieja volcani
Interiors of an abandoned house that was scortched by the heat and fires of the lava.  Like many house where lava flows were not huge they entered though doorways and windows. 

La Palma. An island of the Canaries. Two years after the Cumbre Vieja volcani
Lucía Rosa González is from the village of Todoque, where her ancestors also lived. The village was
completely buried under the lava. She is an author and poet and has written an impressive literary
book about the volcanic eruption, which has been publish
Uerdingen Siggi was fortunate to only have lost his garage and some of his garden during the eruption.  Here he stands on his terrace overlooking his new view and on the driveway he had to clear of lava to reconnect his home with a main street. La Palma.
A father watches his kid play football from his car,  in the shadow of the volcano.  Las Manchas town.  

La Palma. An island of the Canaries. Two years after the Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption in late 2021.  Photography taken on January 2024.
New and transformed landscape around the new volcano vent, a forest was destroyed and a new small mountain was formed. Some pine trees which are well adapted to the island survive.  Around the new vent metres of ash fell to the ground and swamped entire a
Two new main roads have been built which pass though the the lava fields which again connect the island and towns either side.  You are not allowed to stop, where the lava field is deep you can still feel heat being emmited. 

 La Palma. An island of the
Puerto Naos. A whole seaside restort town has been forcibly vacant for two years. After the earthquakes and eruptions, lethal levels of CO2 were found in the town. Now residents on floors three and above are allowed to return if they sign a waiver.  CO2 m
One of the last lava flows from the volcano, previous ones already covered by meteres of volcanic ash.  

La Palma. An island of the Canaries. Two years after the Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption in late 2021.  Photography taken on January 2024.
A family play and relax on what was a vineyard. They lost everything in the eruptions. West Las Manchas. 

La Palma. An island of the Canaries. Two years after the Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption in late 2021.  Photography taken on January 2024.
An owner of a vintage car covers it with a protective cloth or net.  Las Manchas. 

La Palma. An island of the Canaries. Two years after the Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption in late 2021.  Photography taken on January 2024.
Miguel Ángel – from the village of Todoque. A farmer - had a finca, a large part of which was buried
by the lava, another plantation was destroyed due to the construction of the second major road
through the lava.

La Palma. An island of the Canaries. Two
Kevin Rodriguez and his wife stand in Las Manchas. Their home was completly destroyed and covered by the lava fields and struggle to get any compensation. They are building a new home in another part of the island. 

La Palma. An island of the Canaries. T
A local of Las Manchas with his shopping on the roadside with the volcano in the background. 

La Palma. An island of the Canaries. Two years after the Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption in late 2021.  Photography taken on January 2024.
Lucía Rosa González is from the village of Todoque, where her ancestors also lived. The village was
completely buried under the lava. She is an author and poet and has written an impressive literary
book about the volcanic eruption, which has been publish
Completely destroyed and partially destroyed buildings and homes that got in the way of the lava flows.  A whole town of Todoque sits below many meteres of lava. 

La Palma. An island of the Canaries. Two years after the Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption in
A small solar power farm sits destroyed and in disrepair in the shadow of the volcano. Las Manchas. 

La Palma. An island of the Canaries. Two years after the Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption in late 2021.  Photography taken on January 2024.
A small solar power farm sits destroyed and in disrepair in the shadow of the volcano. Las Manchas. 

La Palma. An island of the Canaries. Two years after the Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption in late 2021.  Photography taken on January 2024.
Children play football on a pitch in Las Manchas with the shadow of the new volcano behind them. 

La Palma. An island of the Canaries. Two years after the Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption in late 2021.  Photography taken on January 2024.
Children play football on a pitch in Las Manchas with the shadow of the new volcano behind them. 

La Palma. An island of the Canaries. Two years after the Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption in late 2021.  Photography taken on January 2024.
Las Manchas football pitch. 

La Palma. An island of the Canaries. Two years after the Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption in late 2021.  Photography taken on January 2024.
A lady from the tourism and parks bureau stands at the end of a road where access is forbidden. Its one of the closest points to the newly formed volcano.  Las Manchas.

La Palma. An island of the Canaries. Two years after the Cumbre Vieja volcanic erupti
One of two new roads which pass through the lava fields once again connecting towns either side.  

La Palma. An island of the Canaries. Two years after the Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption in late 2021.  Photography taken on January 2024.
Partially covered homes from the lava flows. 

La Palma. An island of the Canaries. Two years after the Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption in late 2021.  Photography taken on January 2024.
La Palma. An island of the Canaries. Two years after the Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption in late 2021.  Photography taken on January 2024.
Alexandra Sauter,  The owner of a local service and repair company,  he is busy repairing homes damaged by the eruption.  Here is trying to fix water leaks of home owned by a Swiss National which was left isolated by the lava flows and only recently has b
La Palma. An island of the Canaries. Two years after the Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption in late 2021.  Photography taken on January 2024.
A large holiday apartments building lies isolated by the lava flow. 

La Palma. An island of the Canaries. Two years after the Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption in late 2021.  Photography taken on January 2024.
New landscapes made in the area of the volcanic eruption, lava flows and ash carpets that followed. 

La Palma. An island of the Canaries. Two years after the Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption in late 2021.  Photography taken on January 2024.
A house which survived the lava flows but lies abaondend without any access roads. 

La Palma. An island of the Canaries. Two years after the Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption in late 2021.  Photography taken on January 2024.